November 2024


Be warned: massive rant incoming!

I had a long-awaited luncheon catch up with a girlfriend today. This isn’t just any girlfriend. This is a colleague who became a friend years ago. A smart, talented, high functioning and incredibly capable woman with the most wicked sense of humour. I love her company, and was really looking forward to seeing her today. Within 5 minutes I was beyond furious, mumbling obscenities and ready to commit grievous bodily harm.

What got me so worked up? No, it wasn’t Trump being elected (although trust me, I have very strong opinions on that event), nor was it my EELS sacking our incredibly loyal and amazing Captain after years of service in the first week of pre-season (yes, there will be a rant on that one at some stage). No, it was what a bloody doctor said to my gorgeous friend.

She has text book perimenopause symptoms. Insomnia and 3am wake ups, low mood, night sweats, lack of energy, hot flushes, feelings of overwhelm and a change in her periods. She spoke to her long-standing GP, a middle aged male who told her and I quote – “it’s natural, you just have to put up with it, it’s not that bad”. Then told her she wasn’t bad enough for HRT, but he bloody offered her anti-depressants!!

Are you bloody serious? Her exact words to me, and I have heard these same words from dozens of women – “so I’m not going crazy, other women are going through this too?” After I finished ranting and banging the table – I assured her that not only was she not going crazy, but her symptoms were also very common and she needed to see a good GP, one who actually understands women’s health. I gave her the contact details of my amazing GP and begged her to book in asap.

THIS IS NOT BLOODY GOOD ENOUGH. We are not supposed to still be in the dark ages.

I understand that there is very limited training in medical degrees in Australia on perimenopause and menopause (I believe they study our transition for between 8 – 12 hours, in total during their general degrees) but doctors do have a responsibility to further educate themselves and it’s not just me that thinks that!

The senate just released their enquiry report into Íssues Related to Perimenopause and Menopause and of the 25 recommendations, top of the list was further educating our medical profession and widespread community education on perimenopause and menopause. (Paid menopause leave and workplace flexibility were also on the recommendation list). There is hope on the horizon but for now we need to support each other ladies. We need to push back against doctors who are in the dark ages. We need to support our friends.

In Australia, perimenopause typically starts between the ages of 40 and 44 years and menopause occurs (on average) at 51 years of age. We can spend seven to ten years transitioning and the symptoms my girlfriend was worried about are basically standard. 90% of us will be symptomatic.

According to Menopause Australia half of women between 40 - 55 find work difficult due to their symptoms of menopause, 25% suffer symptoms so severely they need significant time off and 10% of women stop work altogether because of their severe menopausal symptoms.

There are so many things that can help. Natural remedies, nutrition, coaching, exercise, alcohol reduction, mindfulness, HRT and other medical support. I have an amazing GP, Naturopath, Physiotherapist and Myotherapist who I see regularly, and I am now starting Kinesiology. You do you! Just get the support you need, and please, please make sure they know what they’re talking about. Then talk to your girlfriends, educate people. Let them know we’re all in this together! We do not have to go through this alone and we especially do not have to feel like we’re failing or there is something wrong with us. We deserve so much better than that and it’s time we fight for it! Don’t put up with this ladies, because if we don’t push back, this is the legacy we’re leaving for our daughters!

Oh, and I will be placing a large order of Menopause Australia literature for our “it’s natural just put up with its GP” – death by Menopause literature influx! I might even pop in for a chat. I’m sure he’ll enjoy that!