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The Journey

SHINE is your definitive guide to saving yourself and living your best life.
Here is a snapshot of how Donna's journey is going...


Donna suffers from the autoimmune disease Graves disease which caused a stroke at 30 and a subsequent stroke at 31. Donna had radioactive isotopes to burn off part of her thyroid to treat the disease. She subsequently had thyroid cancer and a thyroidectomy at 38. She recovered but barely survived the birth of her final child at 40. Donna had a follow on medical issue at 45 but she is now a fit and healthy 52-year-old,and she credits many of the changes she made throughout COVID as contributing to her good health.


In sharp contrast to her meat and potatoes upbringing, Donna is a vegetarian who follows a 90% plant based (vegan) diet. The 10% component that is not vegan includes eggs and some low lactose cheese. Donna is lactose intolerant so avoids dairy.
Donna aims for low HI foods – which means low human interference.
She is an avid home cook and SHINE includes many recipes and tips on diet. Donna also follows an intermittent fasting principle.


Donna is completely alcohol free. She gave up alcohol on April 7, 2021 during Melbourne’s extended lockdown. Donna’s family has a long history of alcohol abuse which shaped many of her childhood memories. Her journey to being alcohol free and how she was supported is detailed in SHINE.


Donna is an avid home cook and finds cooking enjoyable and relaxing. She loves to prepare meals from scratch with healthy, organic ingredients and loves sharing her recipes and tips. SHINE includes many of her favourite recipes and she is currently working on a recipe book.


Donna is a committed exerciser and believes endorphins are her superpower. Donna played netball for 44 years, achieving representative status – and she is still an ardent supporter and netball coach. However, as a child she dreamed of playing soccer which was met with significant disapproval at home. She achieved her little girl dream of playing soccer at 52 and is now happily playing in the Over 35’s Bayside competition in Melbourne.

She details her fitness regime in SHINE and her journey back from chronic ill health to physical fitness

Morning Routine

This is the cornerstone of Donna’s day, and she is adamant it is the key to unlocking the power of presence.


A lifelong insomniac Donna details her determination to find a sleep routine that works and the wonders that actually sleeping seven hours a night achieves.


Donna is in perimenopause and details her research, what she has tried and what works for her. She has maintained an ideal weight and fitness during this period.

Wellbeing Tools

From sound healing to cold water immersion to adult ballet. Add in art classes, marathon running, scuba diving, alternate breathing methods, journalling, meditation, visualisation, somatic healing, yoga, pilates to joining an over 35’s soccer team at 52 – Donna has tried it all. Somethings have stuck, some weren’t for her, but the book details the journey to finding what she needed. What contributed to her shine.
About Author

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Available as a printed book, e-book and audiobook!

SHINE... your definitive guide to saving yourself and living your best life.

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What Will You Learn?


Use HDFS & Map Reduce for storing & analyzing data at scale.


Consume streaming data using Spark Streaming, Flink, and Storm.


Choose an appropriate data storage technology for your application


Analyze non-relational data using HBase, Cassandra, and MongoDB.

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