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  • 4 litre tub of ice cream - we use Neapolitan
  • 3 cups of lollies - we use MMs and Maltesers
  • I tin of whipped cream
  • I tube of ice magic chocolate

This costs around $25 to make - feeds about 20 and is a huge hit. Pick the flavours and lollies you like, but for us Miss J picked Neapolitan ice cream, M&Ms and Maltesers.


  • Start with a non stick spring form cake tin.
  • Let the ice cream sit at room temperature for 15 minutes to a half hour and pick a flavour.
  • We started with chocolate and spooned in until it filled up a third of the tin. Then we pressed in Maltesers and put it back in the freezer for a couple of hours.
  • Next layer we used vanilla and spooned it in to 2/3 of the tin and pressed MMs into the ice cream. We then put it back in the freezer for a couple of hours (doesn’t matter if it’s longer).
  • Layer three was strawberry ice cream to the top. Use a knife to ensure the top is smooth and flat. Put it back in the freezer until party day.
  • Pull out and flick the springs. Use a knife if the sides need smoothing.
  • The hack? Ice magic! Shake vigorously and start at the middle and quickly spread it with a knife until it drips down the sides. There use the cream to make rosettes around the edge of the cake and we added MMs to the top.
  • Put it straight back into the freezer on a tray until it’s ready to serve.

Check out my Facebook page if you would like step by step photos!
